pretty solid week here in West Leederville. we were able to teach 3 lessons with investigators and the members have really been looking after us. Last night an American family feed us Mexican food and I was in heaven! OH and how crazy is it that I saw that Atkinson girl?? smallest world. I saw her from from out the window when her and her dad pulled up and I was freaking out. I really didn't even know her that well but it was so nice to see a familiar face! shes a sweet girl. do you have the pictures she took? will you send them to me? I never even saw them.
There is this Italian sister in the ward who is soo funny. she heard my last name and obviously new it was Italian and FREAKED out! lol she had us over for dinner and just would not stop feeding us and talked my ear about right off. she is so sweet. and she is making me homemade cannoli's this week! mhhmm.
I love you all! the church is the same no matter where we go because all things are done under the direction of the priesthood! we are members of Jesus Christs church! I know it.
-elder jake guzzo
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